What2Play: FIFA Ultimate Team

Miloslav Valko

It is all about money and how to get it from people's pockets as efficiently as possible. In-game purchases in FIFA Ultimate Team were banned in Belgium recently, as the problems escalated to the level that children were stealing their parents' credit card details and using them to open those packs with a chance of 1:13 000 000 to get that Ronaldo.

What2Play: Metal Gear V: The Phantom Pain

Arnold Remenár

“The story is surprisingly deep although most of the lore is discovered through audiotapes that can be played in-game. However, even without the tapes, the story is rich with themes such as effects of genocide, PTSD, alienation as well as the reality of child soldiers. As a complete newcomer to the series, I was still able to relate and care about the plot and its characters.”

What2Play: Spyro: Reignited Trilogy

Miloslav Valko

It's 11 pm on a Saturday evening, and after days of grinding I am on the verge of throwing my controller away in absolute disgust. This is due to the boss fight in the remastered version of Spyro. After last year's Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy, Spyro: Reignited Trilogy is the latest attempt to feed the near-insatiable demand for gaming nostalgia.

What2Play: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy

Arnold Remenár

“Back in the 1990s all the major gaming consoles have had their own iconic characters that defined and represented them. These were more than just widely recognizable symbols; they were in many ways a major selling point for the consoles and the respective franchises that came with them. Most people would recognize titles such as Mario or Sonic the Hedgehog as classic games of the previous century. However, there is another character that has made the Playstation 1 console nothing short of legendary – Crash Bandicoot.”

What2Play: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Arnold Remenár

The third and final entry into the Witcher series manages to deliver an even deeper and more rewarding fantasy RPG experience than it's excellent predecessors. Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt provides a worthy conclusion for Andrzej Sapkowski's epic saga that spawned over seven books and three videogames.